Connecticut/Rhode Island Area Pinball
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Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Introduced 04/01/2015

Players With This Badge (19)

PlayerDate Earned
Tom “The Reputation" Coltart01/22/2025
Connor "Not a Raspberry" Mulberry10/07/2024
Scott "The Outlaner" Temple06/03/2024
Jason "The JAW" Watts02/13/2024
Daniel "Soy Boy" Kearns10/16/2023
Mike “I’m the Shit” Schmitt08/10/2023
Philip "The Jeep" Warrenger06/19/2023
Alex "Go Go" Gopoian02/13/2023
Ed "Superfly" Giardina02/09/2023
Nancy “The Punisher” Lennert08/22/2022
George “The Animal” Magyar01/31/2022
Rick “Roll” Sinkiewicz11/09/2021
Dan “Triforce” Kane02/06/2020
Matt “Thunderlips” Boschert09/28/2019
Scotty “Too Hotty” Wilson04/25/2019
Holly “Crazy Cat Lady” Danowski01/29/2019
Davey “The Player” Plaisted09/18/2018
Bill “The Scribe” Scheibel05/07/2018
Rick “The Quick” Eriksen02/13/2018