Connecticut/Rhode Island Area Pinball
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CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League (CT)

Active from 08/21/2018 through 07/01/2024.

Played 13 seasons, 98 meets, 392 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 4,797,940 4,797,940 4,797,940 1
Ali 159,390 390,870 22,520 15
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 1,189,140 1,189,140 1,189,140 1
Attack From Mars 1,223,380,100 2,189,653,070 140,360,110 3
Austin Powers 94,042,620 122,666,460 65,418,780 2
Banzai Run 618,120 1,027,980 301,720 9
Barracora 330,640 330,640 330,640 1
Big Game 280,570 590,780 37,050 12
BlackJack 90,830 233,540 42,040 8
Bobby Orr Power Play 80,270 151,810 46,070 4
Bow and Arrow 41,490 58,850 28,420 5
Bride of Pinbot 2,505,590 2,505,590 2,505,590 1
Bride of Pinbot 2.0 4,097,820 5,180,010 2,731,750 3
Captain Fantastic 31,857,670 31,857,670 31,857,670 1
Catacomb 355,450 355,450 355,450 1
Centaur 181,770 369,850 49,560 6
Congo 162,916,690 162,916,690 162,916,690 1
Cosmic Gunfight 440,140 1,233,520 83,230 4
Deadpool (Pro) 31,709,220 39,924,280 23,494,150 2
Dirty Harry 222,877,020 267,934,170 177,819,860 2
Dolly Parton 68,330 119,630 15,980 6
Dr. Yes 112,052,670 146,566,700 77,538,640 2
Dragonfist 175,470 264,050 86,880 2
Eight Ball Deluxe 364,960 859,330 169,060 16
Firepower 84,690 84,690 84,690 1
Flight 2000 238,360 281,150 195,560 2
Flip Flop 82,880 119,630 37,460 7
Foo Fighters 61,216,210 101,943,120 29,501,700 5
Frontier 224,820 305,670 71,760 4
Funhouse 2,467,550 2,467,550 2,467,550 1
Godzilla Premium 76,705,820 91,729,440 61,682,200 2
Grand Lizard 79,520 79,520 79,520 1
Halloween 6,291,060 6,291,060 6,291,060 1
Harlem Globetrotters on Tour 90,860 187,040 33,570 12
Hi-Deal 33,920 33,920 33,920 1
High Speed 715,900 2,286,310 226,550 8
Hokus Pokus 31,170 35,320 27,020 2
Hoops 2,463,010 6,014,230 795,780 5
Hot Hand 120,660 199,190 56,300 3
Incredible Hulk 89,620 187,710 20,000 7
Indianapolis 500 202,600,680 213,201,360 192,000,000 2
Iron Maiden 20,460,900 24,711,990 15,184,410 3
Lectronamo 205,420 gold medal 706,310 30,540 13
Medieval Madness 10,519,980 36,030,180 1,189,880 7
Medusa 278,060 339,910 184,570 4
Memory Lane 40,540 63,550 17,530 2
Meteor 246,790 584,260 85,790 13
Mousin Around 1,497,660 2,945,130 889,720 7
Nine Ball 245,760 560,670 57,980 3
Old Chicago 53,850 87,480 36,580 4
Paragon 80,020 139,930 23,060 8
Pinball 183,110 285,950 111,560 5
Pinbot 855,320 1,825,410 321,160 3
Pistol Poker 61,575,450 61,575,450 61,575,450 1
Primus 1,280 1,576 991 2
Pulp Fiction 458,140 701,190 215,090 2
Rack 'em Up 386,940 680,400 282,170 5
Rawhide 60,050 80,840 39,250 2
Rick and Morty 572,200 572,201 572,201 1
Robocop 993,300 1,258,640 780,120 6
Rollergames 1,936,580 3,340,100 533,060 2
Rush LE 43,902,350 92,730,600 8,579,480 3
Seawitch 168,460 277,250 104,330 8
Shadow 127,053,580 307,615,470 14,120,330 11
Silverball Mania 45,630 45,630 45,630 1
Sorcerer 284,960 664,100 39,960 7
Split Second 124,450 147,700 101,190 2
Stargazer 374,410 1,061,540 13,000 24
Stars 62,140 260,510 12,040 30
Tales of the Arabian Nights 2,692,760 8,090,730 406,470 4
Target Alpha 23,430 23,430 23,430 1
Taxi 502,040 737,930 257,640 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4,448,300 4,448,300 4,448,300 1
Theatre of Magic 302,819,000 302,819,000 302,819,000 1
Time Fantasy 200,500 348,350 131,200 4
Total Nuclear Annihilation 324,330 616,241 32,630 4
Tron 11,982,270 15,273,910 10,117,310 3
TX-Sector 1,032,900 1,889,110 46,060 5
Venom 26,920,250 26,920,250 26,920,250 1
Viper 100,430 195,220 35,730 11
X-Men LE (Wolverine) 5,892,360 16,286,330 387,560 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
"Swell" Kelly Wells2250.00%
Aaron "On The" Brenkus3175.00%
Alec "HHH" Kehrhahn40100.00%
Amber "The General" Lee2250.00%
Andy “Honest Andy” Obelnicki171947.22%
Andy “The Walrus” Stevens61430.00%
Anthony "Lil" Lambos Jr2250.00%
Ariana "The Amazonian" Kabel5362.50%
Arthur "The" Audet1325.00%
Ashton “Slim Shady” Capone61037.50%
Barbara "Barb'd Wire" Martin8466.67%
Bill “Satan's Shadow” Galligan3537.50%
Bill “The Scribe” Scheibel9756.25%
Bob “The Viper” Kane5362.50%
Brenda “Ready, Willing and” Kabel71335.00%
Brian "Babycakes" Bushey5362.50%
Caitlin "Oscar" Meyer61037.50%
Camden "Sleep Shady" Capone5362.50%
Chris "Liquid Beef" Daly2250.00%
Chris "Sweet Velvet" Capaccio2250.00%
Chris “Cannoli Party” Point61037.50%
Chris “Smooth Talker” Scheibel14287.50%
Chris “Thunderdome” Dirga101835.71%
Connor "Not a Raspberry" Mulberry5741.67%
Corey "Ball Buster" Scott2250.00%
Dan “The Razor” Carnein91932.14%
Dan “Triforce” Kane5362.50%
Dana "Crusher" Wilson2250.00%
Dave "Boss Man" Schaller7187.50%
Davey “The Player” Plaisted7943.75%
David “The Taxman” Tkacs2250.00%
Dean “The Woodsman” Lennert15575.00%
Declan "D-Man" Kane1325.00%
Denise "The Tiltress" Gautreau3175.00%
Drew "The Jackal" Bligh5362.50%
Ed "Superfly" Giardina1325.00%
Ed "Taillight Killa" Jacques2250.00%
Ellie "Hellfire" Pelletier1325.00%
Emily “Slayer” May2625.00%
Eric "Crazy Eyes" Peterson2250.00%
Eric ”Big Mo” Moberg2250.00%
Ethan "Cliffhanger" Clift40100.00%
Frank "Big Stack" Whibey1325.00%
Frank “The Flying Scotsman” Wallace41225.00%
Geoffrey "Yahtzee" Wolken5741.67%
George “The Animal” Magyar112530.56%
Greg "The Crusher" Meghani2250.00%
Holly “Crazy Cat Lady” Danowski131154.17%
Jason "Karate Kid" Corrado6650.00%
Jason "The JAW" Watts7558.33%
Jim “Fire and Brimstone” Poliner4450.00%
Jim “USA” O'Brien181064.29%
Jimi “B Division” Swain9756.25%
Joe "JOEMAMA" Jokubaitis4450.00%
John "In The Begining" Enders6275.00%
John "Johnny Roxxx" Heslin2250.00%
John "Sir Missalot" Whitehead3175.00%
Johnny "Thunders" Garrity2250.00%
Kate "The Ace" Finegan5362.50%
Keith ”The stump” Merril7943.75%
Kevin "Speed Racer" Redline6275.00%
Kristen "The Cheesemonger" Bayusik91145.00%
Laura "Lawless" Timmons1325.00%
Lorrie "The Maverick" Schaller12860.00%
Mark “The Butcher” Carvey2625.00%
Mark “The Lumberjack” Filipelli3537.50%
Matt “Thunderlips” Boschert51131.25%
Mike “Big Shady” Capone6650.00%
Nancy “The Punisher” Lennert3175.00%
Nick "You Betcha" Bettcher141450.00%
Nicolas "Lazarus" Quadrini1325.00%
Paul "The Tornado" Tremonte1325.00%
Peregrine “The Savage” Lennert40100.00%
Peter "POPDART Pete" Roarke1325.00%
Philip "The Jeep" Warrenger6650.00%
Randall "The Vandal" Landau1712.50%
Randy "Number 9" D'Angelo5362.50%
Rick “Roll” Sinkiewicz1325.00%
Rick “The Quick” Eriksen5741.67%
Rob “Squints” Ferullo1325.00%
Ron “Canadian Thunder” Benoit51131.25%
Ryan "The Beer Man" Voytek2250.00%
Ryan “Greenhorn” Fearn1325.00%
Sam Peterson2250.00%
Sarah "Sledgehammer" Stroh6275.00%
Scott "The Outlaner" Temple12860.00%
Scotty “Too Hotty” Wilson91932.14%
Selwyn "The Winner" Wilson5741.67%
Shane "Shady Cakes" Loranger3175.00%
Steve "Blade Runner" Capelle2250.00%
Steve “The Greaser” Longchamps20871.43%
Summer "Spitfire" McGee3175.00%
Ted “T-Bone” Trautman3537.50%
Timothy "Fadedcrow" Dargan3537.50%
Tom "The Tulip" Latulipe9375.00%
Tom “The Machine” Nelson6650.00%
Tom “The Reputation" Coltart161257.14%
Tommy "The Lone Ranger" Loranger41620.00%
Tony "Mr Cheese" Noel3175.00%
Troy “The Mole” Damiano1325.00%
Tyler "The Wizard of" Aas21016.67%
Vin “The Chin” Tanuis6275.00%
Walter "Kingpin" Salazar6650.00%
Wayne “Sweet Daddy” Savage3537.50%

Badges Awarded (36)

Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 07/01/2024 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League (CT) Summer 2024 meet 8)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 09/25/2023 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League (CT) Fall 2023 meet 2)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 07/03/2023 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League (CT) Summer 2023 meet 8)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 05/15/2023 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League (CT) Summer 2023 meet 1)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 08/29/2022 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 10 meet 8)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 08/22/2022 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 10 meet 7)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 08/15/2022 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 10 meet 6)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 02/21/2022 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 9 meet 5)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 02/14/2022 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 9 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/13/2021 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 8 meet 5)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 11/02/2021 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 8 meet 1)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 03/12/2020 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 02/27/2020 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 7 meet 6)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 02/06/2020 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 7 meet 3)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 11/02/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 6 Fall 2019 meet 8)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 10/19/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 6 Fall 2019 meet 6)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 05/23/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 5 Spring 2019 meet 8)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 04/25/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 5 Spring 2019 meet 4)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 04/11/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Season 5 Spring 2019 meet 2)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 02/26/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 8)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 02/26/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 8)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 02/19/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 7)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 02/05/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 5)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 02/05/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 5)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 02/05/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 02/05/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 5)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 01/22/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 3)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 01/08/2019 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Spring 2019 Season 4 meet 1)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 10/09/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 10/09/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 10/02/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 7)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 09/11/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 4)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 09/11/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 4)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 09/11/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 09/04/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 3)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 08/28/2018 (CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island Area Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 2)